December 12, 2009
It's a GIRL!!!!
October 19, 2009
Pumpkin Time!!!
October 13, 2009
Baby Jension
Well here the little one is!!! Yesterday we had our first doc appointment where the little bean was moving like crazy. We got to see Baby J's legs, arms and we think he/she waved at us. It was pretty amazing. Only 7 more months to go eeekkk.
October 10, 2009
Baby Helen Sue Hair
So God is giving me a lot of practice with babies during this time in my seems like everyone I know is prego, everwhere I go there are prego ladies and I am now nannying the cutest baby ever (until mine of course). Here are some pictures of Baby Helen Sue Hair who I am growing to love so dearly! She is 4 months old and I spend every day with her from 8-3pm. It truly is a joy!
August 31, 2009
Baby Jenison
August 25, 2009
30 Flirty and Thriving
It's my big 30 birthday!!! A very thought provoking time thinking of what I've done with the time God has given me and what to do with what I might have left. God has been so faithful and I just can't wait to see what the next season of life brings.
Kyle took me to Carlsbad and we had so much fun swimming, reading, watching Heroes, skateboarding and shopping. He really is such a delight to be wed to! He is always surprising me with new things!!!
decided that he would destroy them with both a shoe and a tennis racket....really he is the silliest man i know. He did pretty well until he got stung in the end.
August 16, 2009
August 10, 2009
Summer Fun
Here are just some things we've been up to this summer!
Kyle and I sporting our Red, White and Blue for a 4th party...even though it wasn't a requirement we couldn't miss us the opportunity make it a theme party!
I threw a baby shower for Shalane Walters a good friend of mine who is due in 8 weeks. We had an awesome time and Miriam shared from God's Word of how to be a godly mother! What a blessing she was to us younger women!
Earlier this summer our family went to Santa Barabara for a vaction. Also a blast being with our family!
May 28, 2009
Our Last week....
Kyle and I overlooking the Jezreel Valley
Climbing Mt. Hippos
Kyle and I in the "box seats" of Kind Herod's theatre in Caesarea
Me winning a race to find a baptistry at Bet Shean
Us at the Mount of Beatitudes
May 25, 2009
Just some more fun
May 23, 2009
The Negev
Kyle and I finally arrived to our Israeli "home" Yad Hashmona. It has been a long while since I have been a student here, some ten years. So many things are different (better:) so many names added to the wall, so many pictures of semesters added in the library but some how this place is just the same. Part of my heart really is here! Seeing Bill and Stephanie and their now 5 kids was a joyful reminder of God faithfulness. He really is ever so gracious to us, it is sobering to me to reflect on all that God has done in my/our lives this past 10 years. How I miss my dear friends of old (Emily, Kari, Jessica) and all the fun we experienced but rejoice at all the different lands He has taken us all. And I smile with tear-filled eyes at the days ahead, how truly great is our God!
And really don't I have the cutest husband in the world!!
May 16, 2009
Some fun around Israel
Here are just some fun pictures as we have visited the The Mount of Olives, The Herodian, Bethlehem and some other places. We had a interesting time with our Palestinian guide assigned to us in the Palestinian area around Bethlehem. Kyle and I both are learning so much and looking so forward to Christ returning to solve all the conflicts and bitterness that are in this land.
May 15, 2009
More Jerusalem....
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