May 23, 2009

The Negev

Kyle and I finally arrived to our Israeli "home" Yad Hashmona. It has been a long while since I have been a student here, some ten years. So many things are different (better:) so many names added to the wall, so many pictures of semesters added in the library but some how this place is just the same. Part of my heart really is here! Seeing Bill and Stephanie and their now 5 kids was a joyful reminder of God faithfulness. He really is ever so gracious to us, it is sobering to me to reflect on all that God has done in my/our lives this past 10 years. How I miss my dear friends of old (Emily, Kari, Jessica) and all the fun we experienced but rejoice at all the different lands He has taken us all. And I smile with tear-filled eyes at the days ahead, how truly great is our God!

And really don't I have the cutest husband in the world!!


  1. Dear daughter and cutest husband in the world,

    It seems just yesterday that you were going to Israel to live at the moshav. Yes our God is so faithfull and He is truly a great God. What wonderful memories you are making with that cute husband of yours. Love Mom

  2. yeah! Ring those bell caves! Miss you guys!
