August 31, 2009

Baby Jenison

well.....the time has finally come, we are pregnant!!! I'm about 5 weeks along and Lord willing the little Jenison will be here May 1st, just in time for Cinco de Mayo. Kyle and I are both excited and overwhelmed. Being a mom seems the hardest job I will ever do. Kyle and I both know God could take this little one at any time but we trust that God both gives and takes away. Blessed Be His Name!!


  1. How happy!! I told Anna right away that God has answered our prayers in giving Auntie Kathy a baby! I guess this was an exciting present for your 30th:)

  2. Holy smokes! you're preggers!!! congrats to the both of you. I'll be praying for you both as you begin this new journey

  3. yeah kathy! i'm so excited for you and kyle! god is so good and is so perfect in his timing! and what fun to get such an awesome bday present! my heart is overjoyed for you! yeah!
    jess palmer
