Maggie's real Valentine....her grandpa!

Maggie's Valentine day outfit for church.

Mags has learned to give kisses, unfortunately they are open mouth. So she is only kissing mama these days.

Maggie held on to this cheese stick for the whole 5 miles. I love how big her head looks in this picture compared to her legs.

Her favorite way to ride!

Water Break!

She is not a fan of hats.

Starting out on the Towsley Canyon hike.

Getting her rest before the hike.

Her blanket is her little buddy, she takes it most places.

She loves her play kitchen we got a garage sale for $1.00, a little soap and nail polish remover it's good as new.

Holly gave us this little train and Mags pushes it all over the house. Sadly it only has one volume LOUD.

Her little mischievous smile...

She is always ready to welcome home daddy from a long day of school.

She was just telling daddy about her day with all her bah bahs and dah dahs..

This is the glorious grin I get to play with all day....what a great job I have!